

Register your masjid for a FREE web listing2020-01-18T08:12:32+02:00

The Core Package is a free-listing service for any mosque in the world.

We are in the process of creating an international database of mosques, with their iqamah times, to make it easy for people to always perform their prayers in jama’ah.

Every masjid that registers gets a personal webpage for people to access directly on their smartphone browsers…Like these:
Mayfair Jumma Masjid
Central Mosque Rochdale

more details

Register here for the free Core Package.

Remote Noticeboard Managment2019-09-29T13:57:40+02:00

Whether you are on-site or off, MasjidBoard Live can be edited or updated from an app on any mobile device, or computer (wherever you are), enhancing your day’s productivity. Useful for posting announcements at short-notice (especially funeral notices) and unexpected salaah times changes.

Synchronised, Suburb-based Community Broadcasts & Funeral Notices2019-10-21T16:29:44+02:00

Choose to synchronise with other masjid boards in a suburb. Community and funeral notices posted on any single board, will be displayed on all the boards in the suburb.

Customized Colour Posters *2019-11-09T22:00:26+02:00

Create full-HD and A4-sized poster notifications on your phone (Canva, Stencil, Snappa, etc.) or computer and immediately upload them directly to your masjid board.

Scheduled Notices (Customized) *2019-11-09T21:59:23+02:00

Two blank display slides in the carousel for custom announcements.

Daily display of Ayah, Hadith and Sunnah *2019-09-29T13:54:43+02:00

Be inspired, learn Deen and get closer to Allah Ta’ala from a daily display of ayaat, ahaadith and sunan.

Da’wah Activities *2019-09-29T13:51:30+02:00

Keep your community updated with your masjid’s da’wah activities.

Eid Salaah Notice *2019-10-01T11:13:23+02:00

A dedicated slide for your ‘Eid-ul-Fitr and ‘Eid-ul-Adha salaah times.

Nikah Notice *2019-09-29T13:53:21+02:00

Part of the carousel slide display, the nikah notice will display permanently on the day of the nikah.

* Choose which Slides to Display2019-09-29T13:44:56+02:00

All slides in the carousel display can be hidden, except for the ayah slide.

Adhan and Iqamah times (English / Arabic)2019-09-30T22:58:03+02:00

Large-font, colour-contrasted view of today’s adhan and iqamah times.
Choose to display headings in Arabic only, English only, or alternate between the two.
Times auto-update year-on-year, so data only needs to be entered once.
Musallis (congregants) can view these times on their smartphones.

Birth of New Moon2019-09-29T13:54:56+02:00

An infographic showing the direction and altitude in which to locate the moon at the commencement of the new Islamic month.

Cellphone Reminder2019-09-30T23:53:15+02:00

A reminder to switch off mobile phones displays for 5 minutes before iqamah, while still allowing you to see important information on the board.

Colour Themes2019-10-01T07:52:38+02:00

Choose from ten elegantly designed themes to match your masjid colours.











Countdown Timer2019-10-01T10:40:47+02:00

Countdown to the expiry of the current time period.
Timer alerts musallis by flashing 5 minutes before time ends.

Du’a after Adhan2019-09-29T13:51:53+02:00

Displays for 5 minutes from the commencement of the adhan.

Full-colour HD Reminders2019-09-29T13:53:57+02:00

A myriad of ahaadith that appear on important days and times of the islamic months, motivating and encouraging musallis to the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.

Funeral Notice2019-10-01T10:57:29+02:00

No longer necessary to physically put up funeral notices at the masjid. Simply use your cellphone app and upload the notice to MasjidBoard Live Display.

Synchronised, Suburb-based Funeral Notices
Choose to synchronise with other masjid boards in your suburb, and funeral notices posted on any single board, will be displayed on all the boards in the suburb.

Hijri and Gregorian Date2019-09-29T13:55:40+02:00

Hijri date – Arabic text alternating with English transliteration.
Manually adjust Hijri date according to sighting of the new moon.

Jumu’ah Salaah Times2019-09-29T23:11:51+02:00

Permanent display of your masjid’s jumu’ah iqamah times.
Can accommodate up to 3 jamaats.

Moon Phase2019-09-29T13:59:25+02:00

High-quality graphics of current moon phase.

Perpetual Times2019-09-19T22:53:38+02:00

All the important times for the day (suhur, sunrise, zawaal, sunset, etc) continuously scroll at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to plan your day around your salawaat.

Temporary Salaah Time Changes2019-09-29T13:56:19+02:00

In the event of unexpected salaah time changes or to display special salaah times during Ramadan, the perpetual timetable can be over-written temporarily.

Upcoming Iqamah Time Changes2019-09-29T13:56:41+02:00

Permanent display of future iqamah time changes.
Updates automatically, the entire year.
Flashes to alert musallis the day before the change occurs.
If you do not have a perpetual salaah-time calendar, manual input is supported.

Zawaal Time Alert2019-09-29T13:56:06+02:00

Colour-contrasted, flashing alert to notify musallis of Zawaal time.

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