
New Moon
Notices - Posters


Whether you are on-site or off, MasjidBoard Live can be edited or updated from an app on any mobile device, or computer (wherever you are), enhancing your day’s productivity.


Learn your Deen from over 1000 ayaat (Qur-aanic verses), authentic ahaadith (traditional sayings), sunan (traditions) and masnoon duas (traditional supplications).


An infographic showing the direction and altitude in which to locate the moon at the commencement of the new Islamic month.

Intuitive Design

Create notices & posters on your phone or computer and upload directly to your masjid board.

Synchronised, Suburb-based Community Broadcasts & Funeral Notices

Choose to synchronise with other masjid boards in a suburb. Community and funeral notices posted on any single board, will be displayed on all the boards in the suburb.




Whether you are on-site or off, MasjidBoard Live can be edited or updated from an app on any mobile device, or computer (wherever you are), enhancing your day’s productivity.
Useful for posting announcements at short-notice (especially funeral notices) and unexpected salaah times changes.



Learn your Deen from over 1000 ayaat (Qur-aanic verses), authentic ahaadith (traditional sayings), sunan (traditions) and masnoon duas (traditional supplications).


New Moon

An infographic showing the direction and altitude in which to locate the moon at the commencement of the new Islamic month.

Synchronised, Suburb-based Community Broadcasts & Funeral Notices
Choose to synchronise with other masjid boards in a suburb. Community and funeral notices posted on any single board, will be displayed on all the boards in the suburb.

Intuitive Design

Notices - Posters

Create notices & posters on your phone or computer and upload directly to your masjid board.


The Core Package is a free-listing service for any mosque around the world.

Join an international database of mosques, with their current iqamah times, to make it easy for people to always perform their prayers in jama’ah.

Using your phone’s geolocate function and Google maps, see the next jamaat times in masaajid close to you…or search for the masjid that you are looking for.

Please encourage all imaams, masjid board members/trustees and esp. brothers who are responsible to update salaah times to register here for free.

Go to our Masjid Search page to see the next jamaat times of masaajid close to you.
Search for a specific masjid or town. See results on the map or in separate tables.
Tap on a pin to see more masjid details and navigate to it.

Every masjid that registers gets a personal webpage for people to access directly on their smartphone browsers…Like these:
Marlboro Jaame Masjid
Masjid Bábus Salám
(These pages are optimized for cellphones. Layout may be distorted on desktops)

Information provided on these webpages:

  1. English and Islamic date
  2. The day’s adhan and iqamah times
  3. Perpetual times (suhur, sunrise, zawaal, etc)
  4. Upcoming times changes for Fajr, Asr and Esha
  5. Jumu’ah times (including Khateeb’s name)
  6. Live streaming of masjid’s audio (livemasjid.com/mixlr/smartbilal)
  7. Masjid Announcements/Notices
  8. A link to navigate directly to that mosque

Data is easily updated remotely via an app on your smartphone or from your computer.

Register here for free

The Premium Package is a software only package, for the on-site noticeboard that is displayed in the masjid.

Live Boards (click links):
Madrasah Arabia Islamia (Darul Uloom Azaadville)
Fawkner Mosque (Melbourne)
Darul Uloom Zakariyya Park

Price: (once-off payment. No monthly, or annual subscriptions)
USD 365.00 (South African mosques qualify for discounted rate)


  1. The functionality listed on the features page (may be changed in future updates)
  2. Database initialization and setup
  3. Remote Progressive Web App (PWA) activation and setup
  4. A second board for community members to use on smartphones, or home/office computer (with an option to play the adhaan)
  5. Automatic listing in the Core Package international database
  6. Remote user training (whenever necessary)
  7. Free web hosting for your web app for the first 3 years *
  8. Free updates for the first 3 years *
  9. Free support (office-hours) for the first 3 years *

The objective of creating MasjidBoard Live is to make salaah (prayer) times easily accessible, so that all musallis (congregants) can always perform their salaah (prayers) with jama’ah. While in the masjid, they can also take spiritual benefit from MasjidBoard Live’s authentic educational material.

*We would like to keep site hosting, updates and support free permanently in-sha-Allah.
Policy will be reviewed annually after the third year.
May Allah Ta’ala grant us the barakah (blessings) and capacity to provide this service at no cost beyond the first 3 years.

Package excludes:

  1. Hardware installation, setup, configuration and troubleshooting
  2. Internet setup and monthly data costs (approx. 1-2GB per month depending on usage)

Hardware Requirements:

1) Computer (minimum specifications)

  • i3 – 6th generation processor
  • 4GB RAM
  • Any size hard drive

2) Full HD monitor (1920 x 1080)
3) Modem & Internet connection

Software Requirements:

  • Windows 10 or 11
  • Google Account
  • Google Drive app
  • Sheets app
  • AnyDesk

Supported Regions


Coming Soon

South Africa

Great Britain

Africa (English)






Supported Regions


South Africa

Great Britain

Africa (English)




Coming Soon



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